Attending the launch of ‘Race in Pink’ which takes place at the Galway Races October Festival on Sunday, October 30th in aid of the National Breast Cancer Research Institute were; Prof Michael Kerin Director of Research at the National Breast Cancer Research Institute, Sinéad Cassidy Sales & Marketing Manager Galway Races, Philip Duffy ‘Win a BMW’ National Coordinator and Director National Breast Cancer Research Institute, Caroline Loughnane Chairperson National Breast Cancer Research Institute and Michael Moloney, Chief Executive Galway Races.
All-inclusive lunch tickets are €120 each and available from
‘Play in Pink’, ‘Walk in Pink’, ‘Swim in Pink’, ‘Box in Pink’ and ‘Race in Pink’ are trademarks of the National Breast Cancer Research Institute (NBCRI).
Please note, “in Pink®” is a registered trademark of NBCRI.