Just over a week ago we were delighted to receive a visit from Keith Finnegan and the Galway Bay FM Team, who broadcast ‘Live’ from The Lambe Institute to highlight the work of our research and fundraising teams.

Keith interviewed our Chairperson, Caroline Loughnane and Director of Research Prof Michael Kerin, researchers Prof Aoife Lowery Dr Laura Barkley, Johanna Downes from the NBCRI Galway Fundraising Committee and Ann Duchesne from our great student volunteer supporters at CancerSoc, breast cancer survivors and members of the NBCRI Galway Fundraising Committee, Faith Fahy and Dr Orla Smithwick, Directors of NBCRI Phillip Duffy and Sinéad Cassidy part of the www.WinABMW.ie and www.RaceinPink.ie teams and Miriam Hand from www.PlayinPink.ie and Lourda McHugh from www.MayoPinkRibbon.ie

You can listen back to the show at this link: https://galwaybayfm.ie/…/galway-talks-with-keith…/