Join Our Vhi Women’s Mini Marathon Team

Ladies, the annual Vhi Women’s Mini Marathon takes place on Bank holiday Sunday, the 4th of June this year and the National Breast Cancer Research Institute would love as many women as possible to join our team. Here’s what to do.
STEP 1 : First you must register on ‘Vhi Women’s Mini Marathon’ Website at this link as soon as possible as places are limited:…
STEP 2: Once you have completed the above and signed up to take part in the event, you may wish to set up a fundraising page to help raise funds for the National Breast Cancer Research Institute. You can do this at our page on the GivenGain website at this link: This will take you directly to the National Breast Cancer Research Institute page and the website will show you step-by-step how to create your own fundraising page so family, friends and work colleagues can make donations online to support your fundraising efforts for the National Breast Cancer Research Institute.
STEP 3: Contact us to pick up your fundraising pack, call our national office Tel: 091 863 917 or Email

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