Stanislava Antonijevic from Loughrea collects her prize, a stunning MINI Cooper Sport from Colm Quinn BMW as the second prize winner in the National Breast Cancer Research Institute ‘Win A BMW’ raffle which took place recently at the Galway Races. The first prize of a BMW X1 Hybrid was won by Don Ryan from Co. Dublin.

Also in the photo with Stanislava are Director of Research at the National Breast Cancer Research Institute, Prof Michael Kerin, Colm Quinn of Colm Quinn BMW, and Phillip Duffy, Director National Breast Cancer Research Institute and National Coordinator of ‘Win a BMW’.
Stanislava, who is currently undergoing treatment for breast cancer, was delighted to support the charity by purchasing her €20 ticket and we hope she has years of happy driving in her MINI Cooper Sport. Thank you to all who took part in this year’s raffle and we hope you can support us again next year.